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L’expert de Bell et les employés de ServiceNow travaillent ensemble pour mieux automatiser et simplifier les flux de travail de gestion des TI

PLACEHOLDER CONTENT ---- The cloud is at the centre of today’s digital economy, with global spending on public cloud services projected to reach almost $600 billion in 2023. However, businesses need to go beyond the basics to truly innovate in the cloud, which requires advanced expertise and certifications. Without them, dedicating more dollars to cloud technology can only get you so far. 

This is the reality facing so many businesses across Canada: today’s labour market simply cannot meet the demand for advanced cloud skills. While it’s just one of many tech skill areas that are experiencing labour shortages, cloud skills have become so integral to an organization’s digital transformation journey that those without them risk falling behind. In a recent survey of Canadian IT leaders, 41% named cloud computing specialists as their most in-demand employees, ahead of other critical roles like AI/machine learning specialists (27%) and security architects (25%).